Posted especially for Teresa as she asked so nicely.
Erin woke up and stretched. She cracked open an eyelid and stared blearily around the room. She was in her bed, alone. She tried to remember why this was bad and her eyes flew open in shock. Oh God…Richie! She recalled the previous nights events and the wonderful, magical end to the night and wondered why she was in bed alone. Was he not happy with her? Did he mean it to be a one night only kind of thing? Oh god, did this mean she’d have to look for another job?
The bedroom door flew open. She turned over to look at a very naked man standing in the doorway.
“There you are darlin’. I woke up and you’d gone. You went to the bathroom in the night. Did you forget you were with me and go back to your own bed?”
Richie walked over and jumped on the bed.
“Move over, it’s way to early to be up.”
Erin looked at the clock. “It’s 10:30am”
“Exactly, way to early, now move over.”
“The world will not end just cause you got up two hours early, you know.” she intoned, dead pan.
“Cheeky mare, I ought to tan your delicious backside for that.”
Erin couldn’t help the frisson of thrill that shot through her at his words.
Richie heard the short gasp and watched her eyes darken and narrow slightly and lifted an eyebrow.
So it was like that, was it? He just had to find out. With a swift move he yanked the quilt off her, exposing her beautiful backside and planted his large hand across the firm flesh with a resounding slap.
Erin’s eyes flew open and she struggled against his arm that was pressing against the small of her back, to hold her in place.
Thwack! Another direct hit and this time she couldn’t hold back a small moan as a bolt of heat hit her core. This was just delicious. She could feel herself dripping wet and aching for his touch.
Slap! His large palm made contact with the reddened flesh. Erin whimpered as pain shot through the haze of pleasure.
“Hush darlin’” he crooned as he blew gently over the raised welts. Erin wriggled against the cotton sheet trying to get some friction against her clit.
Richie could see what she was doing and slapped her pussy lightly.
“Oh” she moaned as a delicious thrill shot through her.
Richie smiled to himself. It had been such a long time since he’d been with a willing partner. He slapped her pussy again but this time his ring caught against her flesh and she cried out in pain.
“Hey, hey, sweetheart. That was too much right? I’m sorry, here let me make it better.”
He tenderly flipped her over onto her back, noting the slight wince as her sore buttocks came into contact with the cool Egyptian cotton. Her pussy was slightly red but dripping wet. She was oozing juices and the cotton beneath her was quite soaked. He placed a warm hand between her thighs and noted with satisfaction how she flopped her legs wide open to allow him access. Quickly he thrust his arms under her legs and grasping her hips pulled her closer to his hungry mouth.
Erin squealed as his tongue laved her clit. His ring had caught the delicate skin and it was really smarting. It stung under his saliva but quickly settled down to an acceptable ache. She knew she’d somehow opened some kind of Pandora’s box with her willingness to be spanked but she had no idea what else could be in the box.
Richie looked up and along her body and groaned, feeling it right down to his balls. Erin had stretched her body out and had her arms above her head, clasping the metal struts of the head board. Oh god, he felt quite dizzy with the possibility. Could she be the one?
Erin clasped the head board, feeling her orgasm brewing when the thought of handcuffs came into her head. She’d wondered ever since the first slap whether Richie was into the kind of things she wanted to get into and decided to try something. She’d tried once, with Michael, and the look of revulsion across his face had said it all. She’d only tried after he’d slapped her playfully across the backside once, back in the days when they were still chasing each other around the bedroom. That playful slap had awoken such a hunger and need in her that his revulsion at the idea had made her feel dirty. She wondered whether it was that incident that had led to him backing away from her and felt nervous about asking Richie. She felt the deliciously wicked pain shooting through her and decided in for a penny….
“Master?” she whispered, loudly as a shout.
The word travelled to Richie’s hard cock without bothering his ears. He hissed as he felt himself grow larger than he’d ever been. She’d called him Master. He felt his heart beat wildly and struggled to control his voice which felt thick with emotion.
“Yes? You can speak.” he replied, his tone even and low.
“Master, do…do you have any handcuffs?” she asked, shyly, unsure of his reaction. Her eyes were closed in submission.
“No, but I will make sure to have them for next time.” he replied, his tone struggling to stay even; his heart thumping loudly in his chest in response to her words.
“Master? If I may?” she spoke again, timidly, her head to one side.
“Yes?” his voice was taking on a bored affliction.
“If I may Master, there is a silk scarf in the top drawer…you…could use that…”
Richie smiled to himself as he leant across her to retrieve the silk scarf before tying it in long loose knots around her wrists.
“I see you’ve done this before.”
“Not really.” she replied without thinking before realising her mistake. She hadn’t called him Master.
As quick as a flash he flipped her over, making sure it was scarf that got twisted and not her arms before scooting to the edge of the bed and laying her across his lap. He could feel her juices flowing out of her and down his leg and his cock twitched against her stomach.
“For that piece of insubordination you will get ten whacks. Anymore nonsense will result in more. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes Master.” she whispered, hanging her head, bracing herself.
Ok, she thought, I can do this that wasn’t too bad.
Ooh, that hurts a little but not too bad, in fact it’s quite nice, that heat.
“Three, four.”
Oh ok! That did hurt, not funny Rich.
A lone tear slipped sideways as she closed her eyes against the wave of pain.
“Five, six, seven.”
“Ow.” she moaned as each successive slap caught the already reddened and sore skin underneath. Tears leaked from her eyes but her pussy was gushing and subconsciously she tried to get some friction against her aching clit.
“Stop. Or I will have to punish you…severely.”
He lovingly fondled the reddened skin and remembered his first time. His Mistress hadn’t been as kind as he was being and he hadn’t been able to sit down properly for days. Normally that wouldn’t have been a problem. Trouble was the band were half way through their monster Jersey tour and he’d had to stand on stage with tight leather pants rubbing against the painful raised welts. He’d also had to contend with trying to hide a monster erection that threatened to burst every time the leather made contact with a welt. He smirked when he thought of Jon’s reaction to the first of many flowing shirts. Jon had called him Grandpa, thinking the older man had completely lost it fashion wise. He’d often wondered what Jon would’ve said if he knew the real reason for the flowing shirts. People often commented too on the faces he pulled whilst playing the guitar. How many would be horrified to know it wasn’t that he was so into his music but that his pants had just rubbed a particularly sore spot. Sure the music was his life but when leather rubs on sore, wet skin sometimes all you can do is grimace and bear it.
He watched Erin writhing on his lap, trying to find relief from the tension in her pussy and smiled. She had kept her eyes closed the entire time so maybe she’d be into blindfolds as well. His cock bobbed painfully against her stomach and he knew he had to end it soon.
Erin gasped as her clit came into contact with his upper thigh. Beads of sweat ran down her face as she concentrated, not on the pain that radiated out from her buttocks but on making contact again. She needed orgasm dammit!. He was purposefully not touching her which was just plain mean. She moved a fraction until….there! Oh god yes, just there. She tried to press her body down onto his but he was too quick for her.
The slap caught her by surprise, right across both buttocks and part of her clit. The skin rang out with pain and tears sprang from both eyes. She tried to hold in a sob but Richie caught part of it.
“I told you what would happen if you didn’t calm down.,” he said, running his palms lightly over the sore spots, “Now as it’s your first time with me I’ll be lenient this time but only if you calm down and do what I tell you.”
Erin tried, she really did but her body had other plans in mind and all she could think of was the blessed release she would get if she just pressed down hard enough…
Slap, slap!
Two rapid hard slaps knocked the wind out of her and she burst into tears.
Immediately Richie reached over and loosened the ties before pulling her into her lap.
“Oh baby, it was too much, I know, it hurts. I’m sorry, it was too much for your first time with me.”
Erin mumbled something and he strained to hear it.
“Your first time..ever? Oh honey why didn’t you say something? I wouldn’t have been so hard on you.”
“but I liked it.” she replied in a small voice, her head buried into his shoulder as her tears dried.
“Oh I know, believe me honey. There’s damp spots all over the bed from you.”
Erin smiled as she rested her head against his sweat dripped torso. She felt relief. Finally knowing that what she wanted wasn’t dirty or perverse. If it was how could this wonderful man be into it. She sniggered as she thought that maybe, knowing Richie, it could be a little perverse, but never dirty and that maybe she wasn’t all those things Michael had told her she was. That she wasn’t a reprobate, or a pervert or any of those things but a normal person whose tastes ran darker than mere vanilla.
“So why are you into this kind of thing?” she ventured after her tears had dried.
Richie shifted on the bed. “Do you mind if we lay down? Not that you’re heavy or anything…” he smiled devilishly.
“Oh…you!” she playfully slapped his arm.
“Don’t be starting that again unless you want me to finish it.” there was a hint of a dark warning in his usually honey molasses tone.
Erin looked as his cock began to bob about, straining under the pressure and gulped. Ok maybe now was a time to cool things down a little, or likely he’d burst before she got any relief.
Gently he lay her down on the slightly saturated bed and stretched out beside her, his warm, strong body lightly touching and warming hers.
“It was an ex girlfriend who introduced me to this life. She was a quiet enough person outside of the bedroom. In fact I nearly didn’t even notice her, and hell, you know me, I notice every woman. But there was something about her that spoke to whatever it was deep in my soul, my psyche, that what it was I was craving was attainable and not just some misbegotten sense of not fitting in.”
He noticed the quizzical look at his use of words.
“Hey, don’t let the “idiot” act fool ya. I have two degrees. One in Psychology and the other in Philosophy. Both done in whatever spare time I had.”
“So why act like a country bumpkin then?” Erin asked, having been privy to his act at the party.
“Hell darlin’ I’m not stupid I’m just plain lazy and if I can get people to do things for me instead of having to do them myself? Then it leaves me more time to do the things I wanna do, instead of the things I have to do.”
“Oh, so does that mean you can cook?”
“No, that is one area I really am an idiot in. I really can burn water, but to tell you the truth I can work the coffee percolator. I just don’t want to.”
“You rotten sod!” she burst out laughing, “You made me go through that charade of telling you how it worked and you knew all along. That’s just plain mean Richard Sambora.”
“I know darlin’ but you were just so damned cute when you were patiently explaining it to the ‘old fart’, that I let you carry on.” he sniggered at the indignation on her face. He leaned over and trailed wet kisses up the top of her arm and across her shoulder. “You are just too disturbingly cute.” he murmured as he reached to touch an erect nipple.
Erin stopped short of slapping his hand away, instead she threaded her fingers through his.
“You were telling me about the ‘whole slapping thing’”
“Oh yeah, you see it’s you, you’re distracting.” he smiled, licking his full lips, leaving a trail of saliva on his bottom lip.
“Well how about I cover up whilst you tell me the story?”
“How about you don’t, I’ll hurry up and then we can finish what we started?”
Her breath hitched in her throat as she stared into his eyes, the pupils so enlarged as to make the entire eye black.
“Sounds good to me…” she said, feeling herself being pulled to him.
She blinked and looked at him.
“You are just….stalling, now go on with the story.”
“Ok. Well one night, won’t go into too many details, but this ex girlfriend.”
“What was her name?”
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Why not?”
“Listen do you want this story or not?” he said, “then stop interrupting.”
She gave him a mock salute and he fixed her with a look that told her she would pay for that at some point. Erin gulped as desire began to build again her.
“Anyway, she suggested we try something different. Man I was up for anything in those days. Sexually I mean, never really been into the whole drug thing. Alcohol and sex yes, drugs…nah. So she reached into a bag and brought out a whip. Man I nearly ran through a locked door. But she was gentle and patient and taught me the fine pleasure than can come from the art of discipline. BDSM isn’t for everyone but for me it opened up a whole new world. A new way of looking at things. You know for someone who has a pretty heavy timetabled life I’m not really in control of it. You know, lunch is around 1pm, dinner around 9pm, I’ll get up around 12pm…not really an issue. Now if I was Jonny? I would have every second of every day mapped out and woe betide the person who gets in the way or makes him even a second late. I swear he’d have made a good drill sergeant. Anyway my ex introduced me to the idea that discipline is used to make you a better person, to strengthen yourself, your resolve. To make you better equipped to deal with life’s upsets. She taught me that pain isn’t necessarily a bad thing. When I broke my shoulder in the shower, if I hadn’t felt pain I wouldn’t have known anything was wrong and would’ve made things worse. Pain, when given out correctly can bring the most intense pleasure with it. It’s all to do with disciplining yourself through the initial pain and into the pleasure beyond.”
Erin felt herself growing wet at the thought of being taught by this man and wriggled on the bed next to him. She didn’t know whether to feel disgusted or elated at his words, all she could feel was a growing desire.
“what’s BDSM?” she asked, as a thought hit.
“Bondage, Domination, Sado-Masochism. I presume you know what the actual words mean? I don’t mean to be condescending darlin’, just thought I’d ask.”
“I know what the words mean, I think, though I always get confused between sadism and masochism.”
“Sadism is when you hurt others for your pleasure, masochism is when you allow yourself to be hurt for yours and others pleasure. Me, I’m not really into the whole hurting people or being hurt. My particular thing is the Domination. I am a dom, or a dominatrix. Not all dom’s are women. You, by calling me master, took on the role of a sub, or a submissive. Someone who is at the dom’s beck and call. Some people don’t even introduce sex into the whole role play, preferring to have a sort of Master/Slave thing going. Me? I prefer both sexual and non-sexual. In fact it was the non-sexual thing that kinda got me divorced.”
“In what way?” Erin asked, finding herself utterly rapt and fascinated at the thought of being this man’s submissive.
“Well Heather, for all her ‘I’m a rock chick’ vibes, really wasn’t you know? She was more vanilla cream and I’m into whipped cream… sorry crap joke. Anyway, she thought I was cheating on her. Tell me something, let’s say you were into writing short stories about your favourite person, yeah? And you were with someone who didn’t like you writing these stories in their presence. So you joined a writing club where you could indulge yourself in your hobby. That’s not cheating, right?”
“No, it’s not, but then I’m not likely to be sitting buck naked at a type writer surrounded by equally naked writers.”
“True, but remember what I said about sometimes it’s not sexual? It’s about discipline? Yeah, well heather couldn’t understand why I needed the release, so I joined an underground club that my PA had told me about. She’d come across my ‘collection’ so to speak one day whilst looking for some papers I’d filed. I file things in all sorts of strange places. Remind me to tell about the time she found my driving licence in the freezer. Anyway, Stephanie and I would go along to this club and after a while it was a natural progression that she and I brought this ‘relationship’ into our professional life. Now I never laid a hand on her physically, never touched her, certainly didn’t fuck her, but I did spank her from time to time. Unfortunately Heather came home early from filming one day and caught us.”
“but if you just slapped her arse, surely you could’ve passed it off as a joke kind of thing.”
“Yeah…thing was though,” he pulled a wry face, “Stephanie was blindfolded, buck naked, handcuffed and chained to a hook in the ceiling. I was also buck naked with a raging hard on and a leather paddle in my hand, so you can kinda see how it looked. She started divorce proceedings from that day. Moved out and won’t spend any time with me alone. Had to fire poor Steph otherwise I’d never get to see my daughter. So, there we are.”
He smiled at the captivated younger woman, lying trembling next to him. His expression turned serious and he held her jaw in his hand, stilling her, staring deep into her eyes.
“Is that something you would be interested in pursuing?” he asked carefully, his voice low and deeply sensual.
Erin could only nod, too overwhelmed by the rush of hot desire and emotion that ran through her.
Richie smiled and bent his sleek, dark head to kiss her as he plunged two fingers inside her, rubbing her clit furiously with his thumb.
Erin shrieked and yelled into his mouth as the most intense orgasm she had ever had came crashing through her, threatening to cut off her oxygen supply. Before she could recover, Richie thrust himself into her deeper and harder, pushing them both towards the edge of an abyss. As Erin felt her body arch yet again as they both exploded, she knew they had just crossed a line into dark territory. Richie cradled the young woman in his feeling his heart rate and breathing slowing down. He had been so lost for so long, not knowing who to turn to, not knowing whether what he craved was perverted and dirty as heather had said and Erin had walked, or rather stumbled , into his life. A powerful feeling of relief and peace settled on them both as they slipped, quietly into sleep, neither willing to let go of the other.
There is a God and his name is Richie

Thursday, 21 October 2010
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just found out there is a new chapter here already. great writing, can't wait so see what will happen next
ReplyDeleteWheeeeeew. Just discovered this story & read it all... I really hope you plan on continuing. It's getting really good!
ReplyDeleteGenie P
You are going to finish this, please, love it