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There is a God and his name is Richie

There is a God and his name is Richie

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Chapter Twelve

Erin was already in the kitchen when Richie entered. He looked at her and stopped dead in his tracks. She was wearing a Grecian inspired one shoulder dress in white that was gathered under the bust by a thin gold cummerbund and then fell to the floor in swathes of soft material. She’d had her hair done in a mass of snaky curls that framed her heart shaped face beautifully. Her eyes had been made up in shades of gold and bronze and looked sensual and sexy. Her lips had a touch of barely there nude gloss. Richie felt himself twitch at the sight of her. He smiled broadly at her. It was not going to be easy to keep his hands off her tonight.

Erin stared at the tall handsome man as he entered the kitchen. He looked amazing. She had gotten so used to seeing him with mussed up morning hair and old ripped tee shirts that he took her breath away. He was dressed in a Nehru jacketed black suit with a snowy white mandarin collared shirt. His hair had been flicked out and feathered and she desperately wanted to run her fingers through it. He had a touch of black eyeliner around his lower lashes which gave him a devilish look.

Richie shook himself from his reverie; contemplating not going to the charity event and just ripping her dress from her and taking her on the kitchen table, and walked towards her, slowly.

“Erin, you look amazing.” he said as he neared her.

“So do you.” she replied, dreamily as he got nearer.

He stopped about a foot away from her and smiled. If he was to seduce her and break through her defences he had to take it slowly.

She put down her coffee mug and smiled up at him. If she was to get through his defences and make him see her as a woman and not an employee she was going to have to be clever about it.

“Are you ready for a night of tedious boredom?” he asked smiling.

“I don’t think it’ll be that tedious.” she smiled, looking at him from under her lashes, as she picked up her shawl and evening bag from the table.

“Why not?” he asked as he placed his hand on the small of her back to lead her out to the waiting Limo.

“Because you’ll be there.” She flirted, with a soft giggle as he opened the front door.

He looked at her and just waggled his eyebrows devilishly.

They walked companionably to the waiting car, enjoying each others closeness and the balmy night air.

Richie opened the door to allow Erin to get in enjoying the view as she did so. He followed her and they settled down in the plush leather seats.

“I love Limos” Erin said as she buckled in.

“Do you get in them often?” he asked, smiling at her.

“Oh god no, this’ll be the third one ever. The first two were in New York. My ex and I went over for Christmas shopping shortly after I moved in with him. It was amazing, we went out for dinner one evening and he’d rented us a limo to take us on a trip round the city before driving us to that restaurant in the middle of Central Park, you know the one I mean?”

“Oh yeah, I know it.”

“the food was heavenly!”

“So what about the second time?” he asked, liking the fact that she was unbuttoning bit by bit, but wishing it was her clothing that he was unbuttoning.

“Oh that was the ride from the hotel to the airport.” she sat smiling at him as she was lost in thought.

Richie noticed her smile grow dim and sat silent watching her.

Erin had been lost in thought of the trip back to the airport and of Michael handing her a small box and asking her to marry him.

Richie reached over and squeezed her hand. Erin gave a start as she felt his warm hand on hers but that turned into a smile as he squeezed reassuringly.

She turned to smile at him, “Thank you.”

“Anytime darlin’ I don’t wanna see you upset, and besides we’re here to enjoy ourselves tonight.”

“We are?” she lifted one eyebrow sardonically.

“Well, no…” he admitted shrugging, “ but we might as well have a few drinks while we’re there.” he smiled before leaning in closer, “Let’s get pissed and have a ball!” he whispered conspiratorially.

Erin just laughed, thinking that the evening may well turn out to be a lot more fun that she had originally thought.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Chapter Eleven

Erin padded into the kitchen and stopped dead in her tracks.

“Morning sleepyhead, coffee’s brewed, want one?”

Richie was sat at the kitchen table fully dressed. He had on tight jeans, a black tee shirt, cowboy boots with a pair of sunglasses sat on the table next to his coffee mug.

“Have I overslept?” she asked, completely puzzled as to why he was dressed already.

“Nope, I just couldn’t sleep very well. To be honest I feel really bad about the other night and I wanna take you out to say sorry.” he said, looking directly at her as she stood, sipping her coffee.

“That’s ok, you don’t have to, really.” she replied.

Richie stood and walked over to her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked directly into her eyes, noting the vulnerability that lay there.

“I shouldn’t have kissed you and I’m sorry. I took advantage of you and I shouldn’t have. Forgive me?” he said sincerely.

Erin was completely taken aback at his volte face. She hadn’t seen him for 2 days and now this? She could feel the warmth of him radiating through the thin tee shirt she was wearing and wanted nothing more than for him to kiss her again.

She looked up into his deep chocolate brown eyes and took a deep breath. He had just apologised and obviously wanted to get back to just a working relationship. She knew she should be relieved so why did she feel so disappointed?

“Of course I do. It’s partly my fault, I shouldn’t have just reached out and grabbed your hair like that. It was totally unprofessional of me.” she said, smiling up at him as she moved out of his reach.

Richie smiled, “Well, go and get dressed then, cause I’m taking you shopping.” His tone brook no argument and she hurried upstairs.

The smile faded as she left the kitchen. He knew he ought to be relieved that she had accepted his apology and things were going to get back to a working relationship so why did he feel cheated?


“Richie you can’t buy me that!” Erin said, shocked as he picked up a delicate but very expensive silver and diamond bracelet.

“I can and I will.” he smirked, “Don’t forget, you agreed to come with me as my date to this charity thing, so you’ve gotta look like you belong.”

“But it’s too expensive!” She paled at the price tag of £2,700.

He just shrugged and ordered the sales assistant to wrap it up.

They were in Bond Street and had been shopping for the best part of three hours. Erin had discovered that he loved to shop and had lost count of the amount of times she’d given her opinion on an item of clothing as he modelled them for her. She’d learned from him that he never usually went out clothes shopping by himself as he was red green colour blind and if left to his own devices would come home with the most awful mismatched clothes. After the first half an hour of watching him model clothes for her she’d relaxed into it and had really enjoyed watching him swirl around before her, especially when he’d done a really awful impression of Right Said Fred and had started humming ‘I’m too sexy.’ She’d laughed so hard tears had run down her cheeks.

“So, we’ve got shoes, bracelet, necklace, all we need now is a killer dress. Thanks again for agreeing to this Charity Event, I hate going to them, especially on my own.” he said as he handed the packages to Erin.

“That’s ok, it’s not like it’s a date or anything is it? I’m just accompanying you to an event.” she smiled, a part of her reverently wishing it was a date.

“Er well you see darlin’ they think you are my date.”

“What?” her eyes widened.

Erm, when the event was planned I was sorta dating someone.” he looked at her, a sheepish grin on his face.

She looked up into his handsome face and frowned slightly. She began to think about whether it would be a good idea or not when her brain apparently took a long over due vacation and her heart kicked in. She was attracted to him; had been since she’d bumped into him and she wasn’t going to let her brain spoil things for her, even if he wasn’t that interested in her.

“That’s ok, that’s fine. I’m sure we can pull this off.” she smiled as they headed off to find a killer dress.

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Chapter Ten

Erin hardly saw Richie over the new couple of days as he’d seemingly thrown himself into his work. She’d taken coffee up as usual the afternoon after the night before and had found a note on the door of his study.


Sorry but I’m gonna be really busy for the next 48 hours so please leave food and coffee outside and just knock to let me know.



At first she’d sighed with relief but after two days of not seeing him she’d begun to miss him. Still it was a chance for her to get her head around what had happened. What had happened? One moment she was laughing and joking with him and the next he was kissing her. As the solitary hours dragged by she found herself reliving every moment. From telling him he’d looked like a pineapple to reaching out for his hair. Why had she done that? Up until that point everything had been fine. Sure there was an undeniable attraction between them.

Erin sat in the lounge mindlessly watching crap TV and thought about the attraction. Was it really there? Or was he just as lonely as she was? Was that all it was between them? With a heavy heart she sat looking at but not seeing the TV.

‘That’s it. That’s all that was; he’s just lonely, his divorce has just come through, thanks Gwen for telling me that, and he was just being nice.’ she thought.

‘Nice? So a handsome man like him is being nice by kissing you and making your toes curl?’ a voice in her head argued back

‘I’m sure he didn’t mean to do it, it was just one of those moments. Maybe that’s how he says thank you to a woman, after all I did show him how to make coffee.’

‘That’s is such a lame excuse, go wash your brain out girl. No man thanks a woman by kissing her that way. Maybe a peck on the cheek but not a full blown prelude to a snog’ the voice said, suggestively

‘Shut up!’ she thought, warning the devilish voice.

‘OK, but I think he’s interested in you, and not just for your cooking skills either…’ the voice cackled, smoky and dark.

‘Great, I have two voices in my head and one thinks she’s in a jazz club. No, he was just being kind and got a bit carried away, that’s all. After all what would a man like him see in someone like me? Even my so called fiancé didn’t want me.’

With that final sombre thought she sank back into the sofa and sighed.


Richie sat at his desk, the paper covered with doodles, not one of them looking remotely like a usable lyric.

‘Why the hell aren’t you down there talking to her? Telling her why you kissed her? She must feel like shit, and yet you’re up here hiding away like some fucking coward.’ he thought as he strummed away softly on his Les Paul ‘58. It was one of his prized possessions and he adored it. His calloused yet surprisingly soft fingertips picked at the strings lovingly and he smiled as a soft melody surrounded him.

‘Why the hell did you kiss her?’ he asked himself, ‘you knew she’d just broken up with someone, hell you listened to enough of her conversation last night to have gathered that you asshole’ he berated himself.

‘I’ll tell you why, because you wanted to.’ a voice in his head replied.

‘I did not.’

‘don’t lie to me’

‘ok, so what if I did? I’m a man, I’m not responsible for ‘him’, you’ve watched American Pie right?’

‘You liked kissing her.’ the voice almost purred

‘Yeah, and I reiterate, I’m a man! But, you don’t go kissing someone who’s just broken up with her fiance after ten years just because you wanted to.’

‘Why not?, she liked it. Didn’t you hear that little kitten moan she gave, deep in her throat, so soft that she didn’t even know she’d done it? I know ‘he’ heard it….’

‘Stop it.’

‘Only if you admit why you kissed her.’ the voice whispered, devilishly softly.

‘Because I wanted to, and I’m the worlds biggest shit.’

Richie put the guitar down and sighed.

Monday, 9 February 2009

Chapter Nine

Richie suddenly had his arms full of warm woman as Erin came flying round the corner and nearly bowled him over. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around her to steady her. He could smell her wonderful dry smoky scent and breathed in deeply, feeling the softness of her hair and body as she fitted against him. For a few seconds until his brain kicked in he felt at peace.

Erin found she had her face pressed against a broad, taut, warm chest, covered with a soft tee shirt. She could feel his muscular arms around her and sighed softly. He smelt of freshly washed clothes and sun warmed skin. For a few seconds until her klutz monitor kicked in she felt secure.

“Oh god, Richie, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you.” she stammered, pulling away from him.

“That’s ok darlin’ I didn’t see you either.” he smiled down at the petite woman he’d just been holding and wondered what he’d need to do to hold her again.

“I was..”

“I was…”

They both spoke at once.

Erin motioned for Richie to speak first.

“I was coming to ask if you wanted a coffee. I was on the way downstairs to get you to make some when I heard voices, figured you were on the phone and came to see if I could make you a coffee instead.”

Erin was so touched by this that she just smiled at him, at first.

“I’d love a coffee but I’ll make it for us.” she said.

“I don’t mind making it.” he countered.

“You don’t know how it works, remember?”

“Ah…good point.” he conceded, allowing her to lead him down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“Come on, I’ll give you a lesson in how to use a coffee machine.” she smiled as she walked down the stairs barefoot, her skinny jeans highlighting her slim figure, along with the baby tee she was wearing, with the slogan
‘1% Angel, 99% Power Hungry Bitch’

Richie was impressed. He’d only ever seen her in baggy jeans or sweat pants and had begun to believe she didn’t own anything more suited to showing off her curves.

He followed her into the kitchen, his eyes straying to her backside more than once.

“Ok, this is the coffee machine.” she smiled as she pointed out the black machine.

“That much I know.” he intoned, one eyebrow raised and a smirk on his lips.

“Good, then you won’t get it mixed up with the bread maker next to it and end up with a soggy loaf…” she said, dryly, smirking back at him.

Richie sniggered and moved to stand closer to her. The more he got to know her the more he was discovering her quirkiness and found himself liking it.

“Right, “ she started again, “lift this lid," she indicated a large lid atop the machine, “and place a filter paper in it, then put the coffee grounds into it.”

Richie watched as she patiently went through the motions of how to use the coffee maker, not having the heart to admit he already knew how to use it but was just too damn lazy to actually do it himself.

“Right, once you’ve added the coffee then fill up the pot with cold water and pour the water into this bit here. Put the coffee pot back onto the hot plate and switch it on. That’s it really, it’s not rocket science.” She looked up at him and grinned, a sly giggle emanating from her.

“What’s so funny?” he asked, smiling down at her. She really was quite a short person and at 5ft 4ins meant he could rest his arm on her head, if he’d wanted too, of course.

“Oh nothing really, it’s just that if Gwen could see this she’d be totally shocked.”


“My best friend. I’ve known her for about 25 years, ever since the first year of school and she’s one of your biggest fans. If she could see me teaching you, one of her all time guitar heroes how to make fresh coffee she’d probably batter me around the head for being so cheeky and presumptuous.”

“I don’t think you’re cheeky.” he said, looking at her, thinking smiling suited her much better than crying did.

He paused, looking at the coffee pot, then looked back to her, “Does that mean you’re not one of my fans then?” he asked, grinning at her.

Erin scowled at him, knowing he’d put her in a corner.

“Erm, well…,” she prevaricated looking everywhere but at him, before looking him in the eye, “I used to like your music but was never really a fan as such. Gwen was the fan and she would drag me along to your concerts. Sorry…” she shrugged, smiling.

“Ah well, can’t win ‘em all I guess.” he laughed, “So who were you into? When you were growing up?” he asked, leaning back against the kitchen counter, smelling the fresh coffee brewing.

“I was a new romantic.” she said, pulling her hair up into a ponytail and securing it with an elastic band she’d had round her wrist.

“Oh good god!” he laughed, “Don’t tell me you were into frills and pixie boots and those stupid haircuts.” he grinned, enjoying the conversation. It had been such a long time since he’d had a conversation with someone that hadn’t included how much money he’d earned over the years, or why he’d gotten divorced and he was really enjoying it and, judging by the way Erin had casually leant against the counter, she was too.

“You can talk about stupid hairstyles! I swear you used to look like you had a pineapple glued to your head, “ she laughed, sticking her tongue out at him, “and don’t even get me started on the dead badger that Alec used to model his hair on,” she scrutinised his hair and reached out to touch a silky strand, “hmm, much better.”

Erin suddenly realised how close they were to each other and the fact that she had, effectively, just run her fingers through his hair. She froze as she felt his lips brush hers. She closed her eyes and allowed his tongue to sweep over her top lip. The coffee machine beeped behind her and, her eyes flying open, she turned quickly, just about remembering to let go of his hair as she did so.

“Oh coffee’s ready.” she said in an overly bright voice to hide the tremor she felt, “I love fresh coffee, I love it’s smell and the taste, you really can’t beat the taste,” she babbled as she poured out two mugs. She picked up her mug.

“Well, I think I’ll go and watch TV. Good night.” she practically ran from the kitchen.

Richie watched her leave and picking up his mug took a sip.

“Shit.” he swore softly.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Chapter Eight

“He’s a nice man.”

“Nice? For fricks sake Erin he’s Richie frickin Sambora, sexiest guitar player in the whole world and all you can say is he’s nice!”

“I hardly know him Gwen, we’ve had a few chats now and then but he spends most of his time up in his study, doing whatever it is he’s doing. I just pop in there every hour or so to refresh the coffee pot, it‘s really quite boring if you want the truth.”

“Boring? How?”

“Ok, here’s my day, I get up at about 12, go downstairs in my pj’s to make lunch, he comes down about ten minutes after that and we eat. Then he goes back upstairs and I clear up. I then have a shower, sit down at the pc in my room to answer any correspondence. I then have the rest of the day to myself except for having to replenish coffee every hour or so and cooking dinner at 9pm, so I usually end up doing the garden. There that’s it, not such an exciting life after all.”

“Well no but my god, if I was living with him I’d have spy cameras installed to catch him naked!” Gwen laughed.

“Gwen! I work for him, that’s all.”

“Yeah well I still think you’re the luckiest moo ever.”

“Lucky? Who’s husband was it who surprised her with a trip to Ibiza? Even going so far as to call her boss to arrange holiday time off for her? Was that me? Oh no, I’m not married.” Erin finished sarcastically, laughing.

“Oh I know, I know, Jamie is the best, but you‘re living with one of THE sexiest men ever to grace the front page of Kerrang Magazine.”

Erin sighed, “Gwen it’s not even been two weeks since…”

“Oh honey, I’m sorry, I know how you must be feeling.”

“I miss him Gwen. I miss waking up next to him.”

“You told me he was always up and out before you woke up, that he was always at the office two hours before you got there. In fact you used to moan about it.”

“Ok, so I miss the scent of him. The anticipation of seeing him at work.”

“Come off it missy, now you’re romanticising him. He was a twat and treated you like a frickin skivvy. What kind of man asks you to marry him then waits eight years?”

“Oh Gwen, “Erin sniffed, on the verge of tears, “ what is wrong with me? Why would he do that to me? I feel like I‘ve wasted ten years of my life, and for what?”

“I told you he’s a twat, in fact I’d go as far as saying he’s a cunt.”

“Gwendolyn Evans!! Language!” Erin laughed.

“It’s not Evans anymore darling.” Gwen laughed, “Do you remember when we were at school? And we talked about what we wanted from a man?”

“Just about.”

“Do you remember what you said?” Gwen asked, trying to get Erin to see just how bad Michael had been for her.


“Well?” she said impatiently

Erin huffed, “I said I wanted someone I could curl up on the sofa with and watch crap TV with, someone who would share a big bowl of popcorn with me and not mind when I pelted the TV with it during those crap TV programmes.”

“Go on.”

“I wanted someone fun, someone who would listen to me, who would let me prattle on about whatever it was I did that day or what I’d heard. Someone who would love me for me, warts and all and not try to change me.” She sniffed again, feeling a tear run down her cheek.

“And was he like that?” Gwen asked.

“No.” Erin admitted after a pause, “he wasn’t.”

“I know you’re feeling lonely honey but you were lonely even with him.”

“I know.”

“Anyway enough of that twat, more about Richie. What’s it like living with him?

“Gwen I told you, I hardly know him. I see him when I cook lunch and dinner and when I take up coffee and then he’s usually so nose deep in writing or playing the guitar he doesn’t even notice I’m there.”

“I tell you what, ask if you can invite me over and I’ll get all his secrets from him.” Gwen laughed.

Erin looked at her watch, “Oh better go matey, I’ve got coffee to do, though it would be nice if someone would get me a coffee.” She laughed as Michael had not once in their ten year relationship ever made her a cup of coffee.

“Well you’ll have to wait till you come over here again and I’ll make you one honey.”

“I’ll hold you to that, and as for coming over here I’ll see what he says. Night darling, kiss Jamie for me.”

“Night sweetie, love you.”

“Love you too.”

Erin put the phone down and walked out of the lounge only to go slap bang into Richie.